1.000.000 DSD Airdrop!

Dynamic Set Dollar
2 min readApr 8, 2021


To celebrate the launch of DSD V2 and the introduction of DIP-10, we believe it’s time to make yourself familiar with the new protocol dynamics. These new dynamics are crucial for the future of DSD, and everyone should know how they work, and get comfortable participating in DSD V2.

This is why we are airdropping a total of 1.000.000 DSD to 50 DSD V2 participants via a lottery system.

These 1.000.000 DSD will be funded through the team wallet, 0xF414CFf71eCC35320Df0BB577E3Bc9B69c9E1f07, DAO bonder since day one. No additional treasury minting is required, everything is 100% team-funded.

Airdrop Amount:

We’ll airdrop DSD to 50 different participants. The ticket sizes range from 10.000 DSD up to 100.000 DSD. Check out the list to see all the airdrop ticket sizes.


  • Follow @dynamicsetdollar on Twitter
  • Like + retweet the Airdrop Twitter post
  • Have DSD burned for CDSD, every 5000 DSD burnt counts as one lottery ticket.
  • Submit your information to this Google Form

We’ll take a snapshot at 12:00 UTC on 14/04/2021, up to this time you must have fulfilled the requirements in order to participate in the lottery.

The airdrop will be sent out once we are in expansion, and will be linearly vested for 2 months.


To make the raffle as fair as possible, we’ll pick the 50 winners based on the 50 consecutive block hashes after the snapshot. This way we can make sure that the raffle happens as fair and transparent as possible.

We are super excited to do this and to share our gratitude with our community. DSD is not the work of a few devs, it’s what actually carries the whole project, a loyal, supportive, and highly engaged community. For any related questions, please just ask in the general channel of our Discord.

